Federal register of legislation australian government. The act also allows state and territory law enforcement agencies to use surveillance devices to investigate commonwealth offences with a federal aspect. Surveillance devices act 2016 south australian legislation. The surveillance devices act 2004 the act requires that each year the minister for. Under section 55 of the surveillance devices act 2004 of the. The notes at the end of this compilation the endnotes include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled. The surveillance devices act 2004 the act restricts the use, communication and publication of information obtained through the use of surveillance devices. Transitional provisionssurveillance devices amendment act 2004. Department of the attorneygeneral and justice remarks. About this compilation this compilation this is a compilation of the surveillance devices act 2004 as in force on 30 october 2014.
Under section 61 of that act, the commonwealth ombudsman is required to report the results of the inspection to the commonwealth minister, lay the report before the commonwealth parliament and send a copy of the report to the minister administering. This act is subject to the criminal appeals act 2004 section 46c. About this compilation this compilation this is a compilation of the surveillance devices act 2004 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 22 may 2018 the compilation date. Annual reports government agencies act 2004 on the results of. Current practices in electronic surveillance in the investigation of.
Displayed here are links to compilations of the principal, the most current at the top of the list. Surveillance devices act 2007 no 64 nsw legislation. Surveillance devices act 2004 federal register of legislation. The use by law enforcement of electronic surveillance should not be an. Emergency use of surveillance devicesthreat of serious personal violence or. Surveillance devices act 1998 western australian legislation. Home affairs lay before each house of parliament a report setting out the. This is a republication of the crimes surveillance devices act 2010 including any. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us.
The legislation history and amendment history of the republished law are set out in endnotes 3. This is a compilation of the surveillance devices act 2004 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 july 2017 the compilation date. Electronic workplace surveillance and employee privacy a comparative analysis of privacy protection in australia and the united states. Crimes surveillance devices act 2010 act legislation register. It includes any commenced amendment affecting the legislation to that date. Under section 55 of the surveillance devices act 2004 of the commonwealth, the commonwealth ombudsman is required to inspect the records of the australian crime commission to determine the extent of the commissions compliance with this act. Surveillance devices act 2004 commonwealth ombudsman. The notes at the end of this compilation the endnotes include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law. Electronic workplace surveillance and employee privacy a. It establishes procedures to obtain permission to use such devices in relation.
629 898 375 92 536 1433 536 955 1438 491 719 202 652 694 1029 279 361 686 885 1034 987 779 517 1394 166 643 123 1147 1390 453 477 540 319 495 274 263 483 162 329 293 500 347 267 1029